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如果你已经在2017年Onshape的后续行动,你知道我们已经发布了主要的新的感觉和增加在一个insane rate。In January,we announced Management In-Context Design tools.Les than a month later,we launched Simultaneous Sheet Metal.在这些最新情况下,重点放在开发先进的模型工具和工作流程上,以帮助创造更多的复杂的模型。在过去,我们公布了在一个大的更新,但我们决定处理这些改进的一个小的差异。我们决定让他们自由地去,"在一个月内增加"。作为一个整体,这些新的工具有一个危险的大现在,我们可以保持他们的quiet anymore。For those interested in surface modeling or other advanced modeling techniques,check out some of these powerful,easy-to-use features:它于4月开始实施,并在Onshape实施了大幅度的改进。A new Projected Curve command,along with a new Bridging Curve made it easy to create 3D curves for guides in a loft.                 Also added in the same update was the ability to merge surface in commands like Extrude,Revolve,Sweep,or Loft.The next big improvements came just a few weeks later in May,when a new Composite Curve command was added,as well as a new 3d Fit Spline command.                      点击声音            The end of May brought improvements to existing commands such as adding the ability to Loft with a Path,and the ability to show the curvate of entities in a sketch.                      点击声音            我们最后一次更新是一个大问题。"In July,a number of new commands were added that were highly requested by users.这包括确定一个编辑框的责任。                      点击声音            作为结束,创建了一个单一的调查和/或计划的卷。                      点击声音            这些只是一些更强大的新的感觉加上,你已经创造了即使是最复杂的共享。Interested in learning more?检查视频在这个位置的顶部。