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Photo Credit:United Nations Photo(Flickr)On September 19,1985 Mexico City was hit with the most damaging earthquake in its history.Yesterday-exactly 32 years later-Mexico's capital and neighbouring areas were hit again by a large earthquake that caused significant damage.当破坏的范围仍然是评估的时候,没有多少人通过,而且许多人的生活已经中断。今天,许多英雄都在关注复苏和救济的征途上。We at cloudflare want to make it easy for people to help out those affected in Central Mexico.The Mexico Earthquake App will allow visitors to your site to donate to one of the charities helping those impacted.The Mexico Earthquake App take two clicks to install and requires no code change.The charities listed are two well respected organizations that are on the ground helping people now.Install Now如果你想增加自己的救灾或其他原因慈善清单,就可以自由地强迫这一程序的来源,并使你自己。35Z;Fuerzaméxico:一种支持Sismmox受害者的方法1985年9月19日,墨西哥城遭受了有史以来最严重的地震之一的袭击。昨天——正好是32年之后——CDMX和周围地区受到另一场强烈地震的影响。虽然破坏的规模尚不清楚,但许多人受到了伤害。成千上万的墨西哥英雄专注于搜寻、救援和重建。在克劳德弗莱,我们想把我们的小沙子,并确保对受影响者的捐款能够很容易到达。我们的应用程序墨西哥地球将允许访问你网站的人捐赠给支持受害者的民间协会。Install Now如果你想添加其他组织和/或慈善机构,你可以修改这里的源代码。