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墨西哥人!墨西哥万岁!墨西哥万岁!墨西哥万岁!不,这不是9月16日(墨西哥独立日)。然而,在克劳德弗莱,我们庆祝在墨西哥城建立我们的第35134号数据中心。这个数据中心标志着我们进入阿兹特克民族。过去,墨西哥的贩运活动是由我们其他一些数据中心(主要是McAllen、TX、Dallas、TX和Los Angeles,CA)提供的。墨西哥人!墨西哥万岁!墨西哥万岁!墨西哥万岁!No,its not the 16th of September(Mexico Independence Day).However at cloudflare we are proud to introdude our database centre§35;134 located in Mexico City Mexico.这一数据中心标志着我们进入Aztec民族。Primor to this,Traffic to Mexico was served from some of our other databanters(Primarily McAllen,TX,Dallas,TX and Los Angeles,CA).墨西哥大都会地区有2 100多万居民,从今天起,他们可以更快地传播到由Cloudflare提供的700多万个因特网网站和应用程序。这将是我们在拉丁美洲和加勒比区域的第十个数据中心。The Mexico City Metropolitan Areas have more than 21 million inhabitants,who from today will enjoy faster access to more than 7 million websites which are served and accelerated by cloudflare.这是我们在拉丁美洲区域的第十个数据中心。CC by-NC 2.0 image by Kevin53我们在墨西哥的部署要感谢基奥网络公司此外,我们很快将连接到墨西哥的IXP。如果你住在瓜达拉哈拉,蒙特雷,或者你想要的斜坡,我们将有好消息给你。For this deployment we would like to thank our partner from Kio Networks and we will also be connecting to the Mexico Ixp if you live in Guadalajara,Monterrey or Queerataro,stay tuned more great news coming your way拉丁美洲Cloudflare小组将出席3月15日在喜来登玛丽亚伊莎贝尔喜来登酒店举行的电子后方日活动。我们邀请他们参加会议,并与我们的团队进行讨论。The cloudflare Latin America team will be present in Mexico City for the e-retail day event the 15 of March at the Sheraton Maria Isabel Hotel.我们邀请你和我们的团队见面和交谈。全球克隆人网络这张地图反映了这篇博客的发表日期。For the most up to date directory of locations please refer to our network map on the cloudflare site.