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In my previous blog, I have introduced the cloud portal template for the API developer port in the SAP HANA Cloud Platform (HCP), API management. The previous blog described how you can download the sample cloud portal template in GitHub; and in this blog, we are going to import the template into the SAP HCP, portal service and see how to set up the template for your usage.


Sign up here for a free trial of SAP HANA Cloud Platform. Sign up here for a free trial of SAP HANA Cloud Platform, API management. Refer to the blog for an Overview of SAP HANA Cloud Platform, API management.

1. Download the template (CPI-API.mtar) from GitHub to your local folder

Click on the link of the file to bring to the next page

Select the "Download" button to save the file in your local folder

2. Login to the SAP HANA Cloud Platform (Trial) and go to the "Portal Service"

3. Go to the "Site Directory" when you see the landing page of the SAP HCP, portal service.

4. In the Site Directory page, select the "Import Site" button

5. Browse for the location where you had saved the "CPT-API.mtar" file previously. Then, select the "Import" button.

6. Enter your User ID and password for the SAP HANA Cloud Platform (Trial) to start the import.

7. After the successful import of the template, you should see a new tile (named – "INT 103 Demo") in the Site Directory page of the SAP HCP, portal service like the following screenshot.

Import the widget code into SAP Web IDE

8. Now, open SAP Web IDE under the "Services" in SAP HANA Cloud Platform (Trial). Then, in the landing page of the SAP Web IDE, select "Open my workspace".

….bring to the following screen:

9. Right click on "Workspace" to open up the context menu. Select Import > Application from SAP HANA Cloud Platform

10. In the dialog pop-up, select "devportalsitetemp" on the list, then select "OK" button.

11. Repeat steps 9 & 10 for the import of these apps – "apimngmnt1", "apimngmnt2", "apimngmnt3".

Upon completion, you should see the following in your Web IDE Workspace:

Configuring Roles and Destinations

12. Open the SAP HCP Cockpit, select "Connectivity" > "Destinations"

…. in the next screen, select "New Destination" to create a destination.

13. In the Destination Configuration area, fill in the following fields:

Name: apimgmtdevportal Type: HTTP Description: Portal Template for API Dev Portal (or other text you want)

URL: see step 13A below on how to obtain that Proxy Type: Internet (select from the pull-down menu)

Authentication: AppToAppSSO (select from the pull-down menu)

Additional Properties: (select the "New Property" button to add each of the following property and its value)

WebIDEEnabled   true        WebIDEUsage      api_mgmt_catalog

CHECK the box for "Use default JDK truststore"

13A. Getting the URL field for the destination in Step 13 above. First, launch the service "SAP API Management" in the "Services".

….then, open the link "SAP API Management API Portal (Roles & Destinations)" under Service Configuration

…. in the next screen, select "DEST_CI" in the destination table. The Destination Configuration of DEST_CI appears underneath the destination table as follows:

… in the URL field for DEST_CI, copy the sub-domain and domain name including "https://" in the URL string, i.e. something similar to this :


Copy that part of the URL string and paste it to the URL field in Step 13 above.

14. To recap the Destination Configuration in Step 13 (above) should look similar to the following:

… select the "Check Connection" button to test the connection

15. If the connection is successful, the following pop-up dialog should appear as follows:

Deploying an instance of the cloud portal template on the SAP HANA Cloud Platform

16. Launch the SAP HCP, portal service. Select "Site Directory"

17. Click on the lower right corner tile menu of the "INT 103 Demo", select "Publish" to deploy the template as follows:

18. Once the publish is completed, select the link of the tile to launch the portal template for the API Developer Portal. The landing page of the template looks like the following:

…. select "Catalog", if there are some previously created API proxies in SAP HCP, API management, you should see something like this:
